I. love. my. job.
Teaching 3rd grade never gets old, and no day is ever the same.
In fact, it's hard to consider what I do a "job" sometimes because I feel like I love what I do so much that I would probably still do it on a volunteer status. Ok...maybe THAT is a little extreme, but I do really enjoy working with kids.
I have SO many funny stories of things that my students have said. They all make for good material in conversations.
One negative about my job right now is that I am "lowest on the totem pole", so to speak, and have recently found out that I cannot stay at my school next year because of budget issues (insert a box of tissues in this spot...major bummer). I was told 3 weeks ago, however, that I would be transferred within the school district to another school. I was told it would be a transfer to another 3rd grade job. I felt ok about that...at least I didn't have to worry about losing all the resources I had built up the past two years, right? WRONG.
Monday rocked my world a little bit when I met with the principal at my "new" school and was told that there was not a position available there, and if one became available it would be 4th or 2nd grades. On Tuesday, I was emailed by another principal at school #3 and asked to come in...and in a complete flashback to 2009, I was asked to interview at that school instead of doing a simple "transfer". An hour and a half later, I was back to where I started from without having a position secured. I'm going to visit their school tomorrow during the school day to see if it would be something I feel equip to handle, because this school is a Title 1 school in a bad area.
Throughout this week my emotions have been tossed back and forth more times than a ping pong ball in an Asian table tennis tournament. Right now, I'm floating between being moved to one of 2 options, all the while praying that the numbers settle out and I can stay at my school now. Man, I would like to not have to move all my stuff.
Knowing that the Lord is faithful, I am putting my trust in the fact that He has something planned for me. Whether a position opens back up at my school now, or He picks out a new adventure, He is in control. My friend, Alice, said to me on the phone tonight, "God's either opening up your eyes so you'll appreciate where you are or He has an opportunity somewhere else for you." Wise friend, good advice.
Stepping back from it and praying tonight for this to come together and for clarity.