Literally sang this to myself around 2:20 this afternoon at school. All was well in Classroom P-109 today when around 1:50 we got a special delivery--new dictionaries. I'm sure you're thinking, "That sounds like a normal gift to give students" and you'd be right. So my students being the inquizitive young minds that they are ask if they can look through their dictionaries and read some of it during reading time. "Sure" was my response, because I was so glad they were actually excited about it. Fast forward 28 minutes to 2:18. One of my students was flipping through the "s" section and kept going until he found the 3 letter word that no adult wants to hear an 8 year old ask (gasp) The students all were laughing, and I should have just moved on and not asked about it. This is the part where I would be screaming at the girl in the scary movie to TURN AWAY! DON'T GO THERE!!! But instead I responded by saying, "Yes, that is a word. Let's move on and not look that word up again. We don't need to be looking on that page anymore unless we need a word from there. I don't want you to keep looking at it and making a big deal, ok?" And the boy said "Yes ma'am." Not 2 minutes later, my class was giggling again because the boy had the page open to it AGAIN. (cue Kelly Kapour saying "This day is bananas...b-a-na-na-s")
My life.
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