Sunday, October 23, 2011

Getting called out...

Today I got called out for something that was:

1) done by someone who I only know in a professional manner and have rarely spoken to outside of a school setting, and
2) done in an entirely rude and flippant way.

I am the type of person who puts up a barrier when things bother me and act like it is no big deal, all the while internalizing and stewing over the comments and dwelling on the harsh words.  Instead of speaking up and confronting what is said or done, I silently toil over it for hours afterwards.  So today, when this comment was said, I thought about it constantly throughout my meal and contemplated how valid the accusation actually was in my life.

Hear me when I say....It is very healthy for my friends to call me out on things in my life that I need to see more clearly.  Sometimes, I get so caught up in my day to day life that I get tunnel-vision and can't see past myself.  I can't see the blindspots in my life that are present sometimes and when people are looking in from the outside it is more clear to them.  Hebrews chapter 10 directly addresses our need for this in our lives saying "let us spur one another on toward love..."

However, today this comment was made by neither my friend nor was it done out of love.  It was coming from a place of annoyance with something that I did, not out of trying to help me see myself more clearly.  Tempers were short, words were harsh, and feelings were hurt (mine). 

I know that I need to speak up for myself and kindly say thank you but no thank you to the "advice" this person dishes out on my personality.  Part of me also is saying to just coin the old phrase and "take it with a grain of salt" and move on.  Still, I might dwell on this a's part of my people-pleaser nature.  But let it be said that calling someone out is a very healthy, Biblical action that should be done in love by someone you have a relationship with. That, when it is done in love, is when I will heed the warning signs for my life and find a way to fix my personality flaws.  Until then, I will be more self-aware about this particular issue and move on...

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